Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19, 2017
NEW DELHI:  Imagine riding a bike on an open road when suddenly, out of nowhere, a hitchhiker tries to get your attention. Only, it isn't a regular hitchhiker or even a human being asking for a ride but a slithery and slimy, possibly poisonous, reptile. If even picturing this scenario gives you the heebie-jeebies, just imagine what this man in Thailand must have gone through when a random snake lunged at him in the middle of the road.

A video, recorded in Lampang, Thailand on April 16, shows the exact moment a snake pounced on a man riding a motorcycle. It is most likely recorded by someone in a car behind the biker.

Footage shows the snake lunging at the motorcyclist as he passes the reptile on the road. The biker is even forced to lift his feet up to avoid being bitten by the snake. We're not sure if the snake wanted its next meal or just a ride across town but the video sure makes for a terrifying watch.

The clip is currently trending on YouTube and has collected over two million views since being shared on April 17.


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